Monster hunter generations resource maps
Monster hunter generations resource maps

monster hunter generations resource maps monster hunter generations resource maps

Then again, the plethora of armor choices available can be overwhelming, not just for beginners but even some veteran hunters.

monster hunter generations resource maps

Whether it be equipping a full matching set from a monster or mixing and matching armor pieces to get that sweet combination of skills you desire, the mad science behind picking armor is a huge part of the allure behind Monster Hunter games. Part of the charm of the Monster Hunter series is pulling together a nice set of threads. Anywho, just scroll past the original 14 for more armor sets! Seen a cool Japanese video and want someone to translate the sets and skills that get shown? Let me know via the comments and I'll give it a look. To keep this guide fresh, I've decided to expand it beyond the original sets in the official Japanese guide and add some of the interesting armor I've seen on the Interwebs and what some folks call "the YouTube." Not sure if that's related to "the Google" that Linda Katehi was obsessing over. Follow Technobubble poobah Jason Hidalgo’s shenanigans on Twitter folks. Technobubble covers games, gadgets, technology and all things geek.

Monster hunter generations resource maps